English Nederlands

Carla F. Rodrigues

PD - WP 1&2

Carla Rodrigues (medical sociologist) is a post-doctoral researcher in the Department of Sociology at the University of Amsterdam and an honorary research associate at the Population Health Sciences Department, Bristol Medical School, University of Bristol.

In her PhD in Social Sciences at the University of Amsterdam (within the Anthropology Department), Carla conducted research in Maputo, Mozambique, examining the social embeddedness of everyday medicine use with a particular focus on pharmaceuticalisation and trusting processes. Since 2006, and throughout her research trajectory, Carla has worked on a wide range of health-related topics, including on malaria, water, hygiene and sanitation, self-care, and use of medication for both medical and non-medical purposes. She has also been involved in several research projects and academic initiatives focused on the social dimensions of antimicrobial resistance.

Her main research interests lie in and around (self-)care practices, medicine and (health) technology use, healthcare relationships, therapeutic pluralism, and the social processes of risk, uncertainty, trust, and knowledge construction. She is also keen to explore research engagement and the unforeseen effects of microbiome studies.