English Nederlands

Christian Bröer

Associate professor of sociology

Christian is a associate professor of sociology interested in health, everyday life practices and the relation between micro and macro politics. In the most general sense, he researches the political origins of subjectivity in relation to biomedical processes. Empirically, he focuses on cases like bodily (over)activity, microbes, sadness, (over)weight, mobile phone technology or aircraft noise. He is also interested in the way our research in/excludes citizens and affects (health) practices. Conceptually, he aims to further develop medicalization theory.

Methodologically he tries to advance qualitative methods through systematizing collaborative interpretative and longitudinal approaches. His career is a bit a-typical since he first studied ballet, worked outside academia between his MA (cum laude) and the beginning of his PhD study and worked part-time since his daughter was born in 2000 until 2012.

Christian leads a group of researchers called the SocioHealth team and he is a member of the Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR) – AISSR – University of Amsterdam (uva.nl)   Sarphati Amsterdam, Personal Microbiome Health, METAHEALTH, CO-CREATE, Urban Mental Health, the workers council of his Faculty and  Co-founder and shareholder of PANEL software . His work is published in journals like Social Science and Medicine, Sociology of Health and Illness, Obesity Reviews or Mobilization.