Maria Inês Magalhães graduated in Microbiology from the Faculty of Biotechnology of Catolica University in 2021, where she recently obtained a master’s degree in Applied Microbiology. Her master’s project, funded by the Biocodex Microbiota FoundaIon grant, focused on the potenIal role of maternal obesity in the establishment of early-life gut microbiota and consequent immune system development. Inês has refined her science communicaIon skills by presenIng her master’s project’s results in national and international conferences, such as AIMS MeeIng (Annual International (bio)Medical Students Meeting) and IJUP (Meeting of Young Researchers of University of Porto), but also as an invited speaker in student-organized summits and university lectures.
Inês is currently enrolled in the Doctoral Program in Biomedical Sciences from ICBAS (InsItute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar of university of Porto). Her PhD thesis will be developed within MetaHealth project and will focus on the interplay of maternal disease, environment, socioeconomical factors, and infant microbiome in the first three years of life, for which she was granted a PhD scholarship. Her research passion includes the human microbiome in health and disease, immunity and metabolism.